
Sunday, July 11, 2004

You know, the more I know about Barry Goldwater, the more I respect him. Pull your tongue in there MacDuff-yes, I know who Barry Goldwater is. The thing I like about reading fairly evenhanded political books is I discover politicians who I've really despised for their policies and discover things I like about them. Barry Goldwater was for gays in the military. He also encouraged John Dean during Watergate to just tell what he knew and let the chips fall where they may, despite any damage to the Republican party.

A few years back I found out that when the federal government was ignoring AIDS as "gay cancer" Orrin Hatch was working on getting more funds to address it as the dangerous health problem it was (and remains). While I had never approved of Orrin Hatch, you got to pause when you find out something like that. It gives me hope that despite the present climate and divisions, there are actually politicians who can look beyond their prejudices or their party affiliation and do the right thing.
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