
Tuesday, July 06, 2004

You know what I really really hate? When you go to disconnect a utility and they keep you on hold forever because you're really low priority, and they want to know ahead of time whether you're leaving the area or just sick of their shitty service so they can try to sell you more shitty services (Ooohh! Free shitty voice mail for 6 months! Wow!) when all you want is for them to disconnect your fucking phone and leave you alone.

Hey, Qwest! Here's an idea for you. Instead of waiting until your customers are totally fed up with your shitty service and then trying to entice them with additional shitty services you offer "free," maybe you should just offer good service from the start, and keep providing that service.

Like, don't charge humongous fees just to transfer service from one end of town to the other. Don't keep people on hold for several days. Don't skip sending out bills and then lie about it. Don't try to charge fees on anything that you'll back down on if someone gets pissed off about it. Don't pass on the cost of the lawsuits you brought down upon your shit-ass to your frazzled, fed up customers.

Ah. That feels better. Fuck you Qwest. I don't need your brand of shit no more.
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