
Sunday, December 19, 2004

So more weirdness centered around my troublesome dishwasher:

Friday before I left for work, I dropped my naughty boy off with the landladies because he's been awfully bad as I slog my way through finals. I went back home, threw some work stuff together and started the dishwasher. After work, I came back home and picked him up. I chatted a little bit with landlady L, and mentioned that I had never had problems with J like I had since moving here. She said, "You know, we have a presence in our house. Maybe you've got something in your place that J isn't liking."

So anyways, I go back home and notice immediately that my dishwasher was running. This was about 8 hours after I had turned it on, so I opened it up, thinking it had malfunctioned and been running all day long. The soap hadn't popped open yet, and the little streaks of yuck were still intact, so obviously if it had been running, no water had gone through. I closed it back up, and it ran through its cycle like normal. Weird.

Weirder still-L had been in my house that day fiddling with my broken door. She told me the dishwasher hadn't been running when she was in the house. So blogger my this, my little blogglings-WTF?
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