
Monday, April 18, 2005

Today is a day to deal with disasters. First up is submitting a claim to my renters insurance for the destroyed dishwasher. The claims guy had a good time with that, "Your dog did what now? Ha ha ha ah, ahem." I figure it's worth a shot-I'm not really sure if my policy covers acts of dog.

I also learned that if you spill a Mike's Hard Lemonade on your laptop, it doesn't respond real well. I learned that I don't respond too well to that sort of situation when it occurs 2 weeks before final exams and the last back up of data was about a month ago. Something-luck, karma, Jebus-was on my side though and today I have all my lovely information back, and the laptop seems to be working. Luckily I still have a year to go on my super duper warranty. I think I've used up my luck for this year.
Glad to hear your up and running!
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