
Monday, May 16, 2005

Well, I've finished up all of my exams, so I'm officially done with law school. I don't quite feel it yet-I just feel this vaguely disconnected sense that I should be doing something. Having time to myself is still novel enough to be satisfying. I just want my grades and I'll be on my way, thanks.

I spent the most wonderful weekend in Long Beach, WA. J and I rented a little beach house and hung around with Jude, waded in the surf, flew kites, were treated like tourist trash (and thus started acting like tourist trash), and generally lazed about in a happy manner. There were piles of some kind of weird blue jelly-like ocean creature on the beach. We also saw the gulls feasting on the crabs that were lying about, and what we though might be the picked over remains of a sea lion. Jude wanted to eat as much dead sea monster as he could pack in his slobbery maw.

He's pretty funny old boy at the beach. He howls at the ocean-I don't think he quite gets what the deal is. Saturday night I slept like a rock, but J tells me Jude was at the open window, growling at the sound of the ocean. He went wading with me the next day, but he didn't like the occasional wave that got his little behind wet, and he really didn't like the way the ocean sucks sand out from under your feet.
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