
Sunday, June 19, 2005

I had my first bar nightmare last night. The exam was being administered in this large restaurant, that was all dimly lit and sorta loud. The format was pages and pages of short answer questions. I was going through and starting to answer when J and friend S came over to my table and started yaking at me. I tried to tell them that I was taking the bar and they needed to go away and be quiet. They were all pissy and finally left. I went back to writing in answers to a long list of business association questions. Then the management at the restaurant wheeled in this huge screen T.V. and put on some loud MTV musical extravaganza. I moved over to another section away from the T.V., but I couldn't find anywhere to sit. I was running around this huge restaurant flapping papers everywhere and could feel my time ticking down and it was really horrible. The end.
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