
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Bits of anxiety peek through my calm. Had a hard time dropping off last night-I'm usually quite snoozy at night, but I was wide awake last night until J gave me some hot sweet "go to freaking sleep" loving. This morning I've been trying to keep to my routine. Get up, do dishes. Drink water. Have ginsing and anti-anxiety drug. Give the animals their drugs (one pill for Sadie, two for Jude). Made breakfast (mmmmm-greek yogurt, strawberries, walnuts and honey). Just blogging about it is making my tummy butterflies head back to their nest. I'm going to quickly look over some stuff so that it is fresh in my mind, and head over to the Columbia Conference Center. Cross my fingers that I don't have an "explosive diarrea incident." Luck and love to all my brothers and sisters out there in incohate lawyer land.
Explosive diarrhea is overrated as a distracter. Everyone at my test site was so focused they wouldn't have noticed if someone had exploded in their seat (at least, til the stench hit 'em).
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