
Sunday, July 10, 2005

Well, I haven't written much lately, partially because I've been busier that a *insert colorful phrase here* (my personal favorite being "one legged man in an ass kicking competition), and partly because I've been mad as hell about an incident of which I shall not speak, mainly to avoid the horrible black rage that comes over me whenever I think about it, not to mention the stress induced nausea that I seem to finally have under control. But that's not exactly my problem today. My problem consists of hideous little furry disease ridden rodents and the horrible scraping scrabbling noise they are making in my walls. Tho the landladies have laid down traps, I can still hear them, tapping, rapping at my chamber door. Behold the beating of his hideous heart! (Wait, I'm getting Poe all mixed up in this somewhere). My main worry is that my ancient puss will try to go after them. She thinks she is a jungle cat, but at 17 is pretty well toothless and clawless. I think a field mouse would have her beat anyday.
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