
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I'm having some kind of post-bar exam stress disorder. Horrible dream this morning where I was running late for the exam and didn't have transportation, so someone gave me a ride, but then decided they had to stop somewhere and I was just watching the seconds tick away and ARRRGGG. Woke up feeling horribly stressed.

On the other hand, as I was lying homeless on my friend's couch, jobless on a Monday afternoon, smoking a bowl, I felt like a complete loser.
For the last week, I've had bar exam dreams EVERY F-ING NIGHT. Sometimes I'm having to do extra essays (Tax, Secured Trans) and sometimes I'm just reliving it. It sucks.
I'm not (thank F-ing God) having the horrible Bar exam dreams, but I'm right with you, sister, on the loser-no-job-hanging-out-on-the- couch feeling.
Me too!...on both f-ing counts.
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