
Friday, September 23, 2005

Well, I got sworn in to the bar yesterday. Traveled down to Salem with J, raised my right hand and took an oath to uphold the constitution and the laws of these United States. Skipped out on the reception after snagging a chocolate covered strawberry. Went up to Fry's and goggled at all the sweet ass electronic stuff that I can't afford.

Today I'm feeling much better than I have been feeling. I started running again on Monday-Sweet running which my body is so quick to punk out on, but which makes me feel so very good. I'm slow and I've lost both lung capacity and muscle strength (as well as having to schlep around more weight), but its slowly starting to come back. I've been running a mile, walking 5 minutes and running another mile. I think next week I'll go for either 2 or 2.5 miles, depending on how good I'm feeling. I've lost 4 lbs since Monday, and the idea of dealing with a job and the real world isn't making me want to puke quite as much.

I still love this neighborhood. I love running through Irvington park and through the odd little ends of the hood. I like the way this place puts new ideas and happy thoughts in my head. I like the multi-colored houses and the strange gardens our neighbors cultivate. I even liked our possibly drug dealing neighbors I saw getting busted yesterday-J though it was funny that I didn't realize there was something going on at this duplex a few blocks away. He said that duplexes usually don't have 2 guys with cell phones standing out front all hours asking if you need anything. Since they never said anything to me except typical "hi, how'rya" type stuff, I don't see how I could be expected to know anything.
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