
Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I'm volunteering for the ACLU as of yesterday. It's so hard for me to walk into a room of people I don't know. I have to ramp myself up, at which point I'm pretty much a freak. Like, not a hidden kind of freak, but the kind of freak people look at and say, "Whoa, what's wrong with her?" It didn't help that I was pretty excited to be at the ACLU in the first place. I mean, these people defend civil liberties, for fuck's sake. How great is that?!?

Anyway. I'm hoping that they'll put me to work on something. There's a few interesting cases they're gathering information on (that I now know about and you don't. Ha!). I volunteered to help with ballot title challenges, if any come up, so I'm gonna start learning about that process. The deal is, when a group or whoever put together an initiative to change the laws or constitution, they gotta put together a ballot title. This isn't just a title, but a long description of what the initiative does, and what a yes vote and a no vote do, ect. These have to comply with statutes and case law. If they don't, you can file "suggestions" which can be acted on or ignored. If they are ignored, you can file directly to the supreme court, who looks at the briefs and either makes the group change their title, or, well, doesn't. It's a pretty quick process. And a lot of these groups word their stuff sneakily, so I think it will be pretty satisfying to kick some skank ass.
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