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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Ah. Fundamentalists are so fun. I ran a quick google search for a little project I'm working on, and up popped this newspaper article. Some of my favorite quotes:
- Even if the First Amendment required the separation of government and religion (it doesn’t) . . .
- Since at least 9 out of 10 taxpayers are Christians, they foot the bill for a public education system on a search-and-destroy mission against even the mildest expressions of their holidays
- America was founded by Christians and based on Judeo-Christian values. (Note: The founding fathers were Deists (for the most part). They believed God set the Universe in motion and then stepped out. While this is arguably a "Christian" sect-and how I hate people who say 'Christian' like it means a single religion-it is a far cry from the fundies who are usually yelling loudest about how this is a Christian nation.)
- Now, if I had my way, every public school administrator who banned Christmas carols, Christmas decorations, etc., would be boiled with their own anti-Christmas directives and buried with a rolled up copy of the latest ACLU newsletter through their hearts.
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