
Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I had no idea that the OSBAR Bulletin was so contentious (although I suppose I should have expected it from a bunch of lawyers). Has anyone read these letters? There are some odd fucken practitioners in Oregon-fantastic! Check out the end of this letter to the bulletin from an attorney in Salem:

"I, for one, can only suppose that the framers of our Constitution would be shocked to learn that the federal government would someday criminalize what plants you can grow and consume on your own land. See Gonzalez v. Raich. Put that in your Constitutional pipe and smoke it, Mr. Adamson; you might yet see a penumbra."

Here's another one (on something I apparently missed out on) from a Portland practitioner:

"I must tell you that, if the bar is taking the position that soldiers should be forced to watch live gay sex shows while on duty, it's no wonder people are so upset (and it's no wonder that the soldiers are so disturbed). Perhaps the bar should reconsider this position."
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