
Friday, January 13, 2006

We were sitting around the house yesterday when we all started smelling something funny. Now, that's nothing new in this house-I am living with two guys, two dogs and a cat. Someone is always puking or spilling or leaving something to rot, mainly so we can play "What's That Smell!" brought to you by OUT! carpet cleaner: removes urine, vomit, feces, blood and more!

Anyhow, we were less than successful with our endevor-it smelled like something was buring, but the appliances seemed to be running ok and our smoke detectors were silent. Then we looked out our window and realized that the neighbor's house was on fire.

Luckily the neighbors were home and called the fire department right away. Still, it was sort of tense, watching flames shooting out of the chimeny and spit sparks towards our driveway. There was a lot of smoke pouring out as well. Good thing it's been raining all week.
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