
Thursday, January 12, 2006

Well, I did not get the job I interviewed for, so it's back to the money search. It's so wearying looking for work all the time and stressing over finances. Houseguest has been comiserating with me since he is also looking for work and living on his savings. I helped him write a fucken great resume, so I'm sure he will be working pretty soon-I seem to be able to get everyone but me jobs.

It's nice in general having a third in the house. We've been playing lots of dominos (free entertainment) which is not great with two people, but really fun with three. I've always liked living with people better than living alone. I've never lived with more than one roomate, and so far I like it. The house is so big we aren't stepping all over each other, and when you need some company there is someone around.

I'm trying to catch up on the big things I've been putting off while unemployed-some correspondance, some cleaning, getting a social security card and passport, taxes, etc. I'm such a procrastinator when it comes to shit I don't feel like doing. I've managed to put it all off for nearly 6 months, but it's time to get going on all that. I feel filled with urgency-these are things I need to get done before I'm working, and I need to start working soon, thus it's time to stop with the procrastinating already.

Wow. This is probably my most boring post yet. A new record.
I'm so sorry about the job. :( Seriously their loss!
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