
Thursday, February 23, 2006

I've been taking another mini-me pity vacation. It feels stupid, because, hey, I'm already not working-what the fuck do I need to vacation from? But I've just been so fricken run down and sickish. I've been sleeping later and later. Sluggishly going about my routine. Checking Craigslist at least 3 times a day-flagging and applying for jobs. Checking the law school postings. Rattling contacts. Sulking in the library. Feeling hopeless and angry. Listening to the news, god, the news. Our idiot president doing idiot things. Our idiot congress (excepting Russ Feingold!) doing idiot things. Our idiot VP doing idiot things. Idiot South Dakotans banning abortions. Ai ya.

But, hey, I have an interview tommorrow, so who knows. Maybe I could distract myself from this travesty and lose myself in the pursuit of money.
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