
Monday, March 27, 2006

I had a dream last night that I was an Okie lawyer, traveling to southern Texas with a cardboard suitcase, looking for a freaking job.

I kept hearing GWB, and others, talking about how the economy is picking up. Frankly, I've waded in so much bullshit that I don't even notice when I dismiss statements like these out of hand, however the much maligned NPR set me straight. The economy actually is getting better. It's just that only the top 1/3 of Americans are reaping the benefits. For the bottom 2/3 of the country (i.e., me, of broke-ass mountain), things are bad and getting worse. Thanks for the clarification, NPR.
Don't have any more dreams about being an Okie anything. Okies are the sworn enemy of native Texans.
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