
Friday, April 21, 2006

In celebration of 420 yesterday, I did as little as possible. I went from work to home, picked up the boys, went out to J's work and picked him up, and went wandering around Mount Hood with my little family group. We had managed to scare up a bowl for the proper moment and stopped in the middle of an overgrown logging trail to enjoy. We weren't able to make our real destination because of snow on the mountain and bad road conditions-or I guess I should say, because we took my old, low to the ground Toyota, instead of J's old, powerhouse turbo diesel-but we had a good time anyway wandering the trails off Melmamoose Road. It is a truly beautiful area, but has obviously become overtaken by shooters. The trails were carpeted with shotgun shells quite a ways in, every sign was pumped full of holes, and many of the gravel areas off the main road were filled with trash and other shattered debris from yahoos who like to shoot, but don't like to pick up after themselves. God help the asshole I find pulling that shit-I don't need a gun to kick someone's ass for them.
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