
Friday, April 14, 2006

Today is a great morning, not because it's sunny and 75 (it's not) and not because I won the lottery (I didn't) but because I have a job, of sorts (Yea!).

Every morning, I browse the lawyer jobs, picking out the ones that I could apply to with a straight face and that don't make me puke with anguish. I type up a cover letter, tweak my resume when necessary, and send them out. Most won't even send me a rejection letter. After the legal jobs, I start browsing the non legal jobs on Craigslist in the areas I've worked in: property management, small office, adult retail, and anything else that I think I can con my way into. I bookmark the likely ones and then send out resumes.

I saw an ad for a part-time receptionist at a non-profit, sent out my standard spiel, and forgot about it. That afternoon, I got a voicemail from an old law school chum inviting me over for an interview. Ah, the agony of embarassment-how I hate to lose face. But desperate times call for desperate measures.

The office is a tiny fishbowl in what used to be the office in a church elementary school. My friend, St. K, invited me in, talked about the whole deal and gave me cookies and tea. It was nice catching up, it was nice not needing to do the formal interview bullshit, it was nice getting a job. It was nice to hear that I wasn't the only up shit creek unemployed lawyer who applied. It sounds like he could use help with more substantial issues than answering the phone, too, so it will be a good opportunity to get some experience working a non-profit.

Moreover, our financial ship here is sinking fast and I don't think we could have kept our head above water for much longer. Our roomate is leaving if he gets the job he's supposed to interview for today (he had the big time snip snip yesterday and I'm not so sure he will be able to make it to Eugene in the condition he's in) and my bank account is empty and we've been playing the money shuffle game to keep on keeping on.
Woo hoo!
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