
Monday, May 15, 2006

Busy weekend, but in a good way. We got a surprise visit from some roofers who are even now putting a stylish new hat on my home. Apparently the joke J and I had about the roof being original to the house was only a half joke-the shingles are about 30 years old, but underneath is the old, 1910s roof. I guess I was wrong-we don't have a shitty roof, we have a very good one that is 60 years past its prime.

Anyhow, the roofers are also taking with them the previous tenant's garbage from behind the garage and yard debris from the other side of the garage. You have no idea how exciting this is for me. While the roofers roofed, J and I got several yard chores done, which doesn't sound exciting, but considering the horribly decrepit condition of our yard, is pretty far up on my excite-o-meter.

I spent some time thinking about government too, and how much of the very little faith I have in the fairness and essential rightness of our system has been damaged. Huh. And here I thought all that idealism was beaten out of me in law school.
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