
Friday, May 12, 2006

I don't care much for most political blogs, because most of them just parrot what their commentator of choice has to say, and are thus completely uninteresting. There are a few exceptions where you can find original information, thoughts and whatnot, but for the most part they are a giant bore-o-rama (unlike my blog, which tackles the tough issues of the day, like how cute my dogs are or how much of a bad day I'm having) so I've pretty much stayed away from politics here in this blog.

But I feel at this point in this disasterous time that I have to get something straight for the record. This administration is disgusting and dangerous. Everyone involved in it should be fired/impeached and brought to trial. There's not a day that goes by that my stomach doesn't churn in anger over what I'm hearing in the news-and a good portion of that anger is directed towards the synchophantic press corps, busily churning out propaganda instead of getting off their ass and working (Spit that dick out of your mouth and do your fucken job, assholes). A large percentage of the people who should be leading us are too busy getting head at the Watergate Hotel, or taking golf trips with lobbyists, or getting in good with Jesus, to be bothered with upholding the Constitution. You know, like in that oath? The oath you took when you assumed office? Jackasses, weasles and butt-knuckles. How long, O lord?
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