
Monday, May 22, 2006

I'm blogging from an undisclosed location this morning, because my house is in complete disarray. We had a really nice (for this part of the world) thunderstorm last night, and J and I were sitting out on the porch watching it roll in. Suddenly the wind picked up and rain started blowing sideways. We realized that we should have unplugged our electronics, so J went upstairs to take care of his den, while I did my computer and the living room tv and stereo. We saw that rain was comming through our skylight, so I went downstairs for a pan. When I got to the kitchen, I saw the back wall was wet through and water was pouring through the light fixture. At the same time J discovered the same was going on in his den, only most of his ceiling was ok. All and all we got off lucky. It doesn't look like any of our electronics were wetted (we still aren't sure about J's den). The back bedroom got a soaking, but our roomate had just moved out, so there was only the bed and a few lamps in there. We didn't have much along the back wall except our kitchen table, which got wet, but not too badly.

The worst is in our bedroom. The ceiling fell in and looks pretty well kaput, but our bedroom was pretty spare and our bed took most of the brunt of the damage. Between the contractor's insurance and the landlord's insurance, everything should be fixed up and taken care of, but it will be a huge pain in the ass in the meanwhile, and I haven't heard anyone say that they are going to bring a wet vac by to suck up the moisture and ceiling chunks. I have the feeling it will be a long, contentious week. Can I just say that this really smokes some major hairy cock?
Dear God, A -- that seriously sucks. Let me know if there's anything we can do to pitch in -- towels, steam cleaner (which isn't a wet vac, but does work pretty darn well), meals, anything.
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