
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

We've had a few Autumn preview days here. Cloudy and cool, they are great lazy, sleeping in and doing nothing days. I wish I had time to be lazy, sleep in and do nothing, but these days are just packed, and although I'm steadily crossing things off my to do list, I don't feel very accomplished.

J and I will both get a paycheck at the end of this week, thank god. I've made my famous chicken matzo ball soup, my famous cream of carrot soup and supplemented both with liberal helpings of bean burritos (thank god our former roomate, E, left a shit load of tortillas in the freezer), but the cupboard is looking rather bare these days and the creditors are circling closer. I can't wait to be making better money-the first thing I'll do is go on a B-double E-double R-U-N, Beer run! You just need a five or a ten and a sober friend, beer run! Car and the keys and a sober driver, beer run!

Then I'm getting some slippers. Mine have worn through in several spots, and when I returned cans yesterday ($7.00!) I was wearing them in what was the biggest fashion faux pas since that whole boobie thing the christians were all worried about at the Superbowl. Note to self-must throw out slippers. Much as I love them, they are soaked in empty can swill.
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