
Friday, August 04, 2006

With a tip of the hat to jalpuna, today's fun link leads to the politics of hummer humping. It sorta reminds me of this story in Steven Levitt's Freakonomics about the demise of the KKK. As mosta y'all probably remember from history class, the KKK used to be a real force in this country-a terrorist organization that thrived on secrecy. Well, this one dude was fed up with it, so he went undercover and learned all about the KKK-how they were organized, what the secret passwords and rituals were, what they talked about at meetings-all kinds of shit. Then he teamed up with the producers of the popular radio show, Superman, to produce a series of episodes where Superman took on the KKK. As people started to make fun of the KKK with it's grand wizards and dragons and super secret handshakes and whatnot, recruiting sharply decreased. It's an important lesson-laughter is more powerful than all the scolding, wailing and rational discourse in the world. And it feels good.
I would like to believe that laughter is that powereful (people laugh at me all the time) but people are all over the world are laughing at Bush and the asshole is still in power, wtf!!!
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