
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

My car is like the House of Usher these days. Bits keep falling off and shaking loose. The only possible ending for this is complete and total collapse (hopefully not while I'm inside).
I don't know how I got to you, but here I am.

I have three dogs, two cats, a chicken and duck. That is the best part. I have a 19 year old adopted daughter with border line personality disorder and a boy friend living SEPARATELY in my quest room.

I will never go on another employment interview. NEVER. I have degrees and certifications from real universities but, I make a living from a couple of life experience diplomas from off the web. That and every 90 to 120 days I break into my 401k for an emergency dispersement to keep the mortgage and homeowners insurance up to date.

I thought everything that could go wrong would be over when I turned 60 - OH, no! Shingles. Because I was a pre-chicken pox vaccine baby. So here I sit with one good eye left playing "Ain't it awful" with a total stranger.

Would it be too much of a slight to end this with


Or should I go for the "I know dat's right close."

Well you are not alone talking to a stranger,. I am here and they don't get any stramger than me. Get rid of the boyfriend, rid yourself of excess stress{easier said then done} and with it you will lose most of the simptoms of shingles, I know having suffered threough them myself. The last time cost me a stay in the hospital with no insurance.... NICE. Oh and I almost forgot, get off the pity pot. Have a drink or a toke or what ever else gets you thru the nifgt, hug your daughter and love the life you have, because it is the only one you have.. Sorry I forgot you didn't ask for my opinion.....R
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