
Friday, September 14, 2007

We're battening down the hatches for winter, even though the September weather has been pretty fine. Luckily, we are less in the red this year than we were last year, so we have the time and money to get in a couple of cords of wood this weekend. We'll probably get another cord or two before it gets really cold out here. Get our lamps cleaned out and ready to go with fresh oil and wicks. Plastic over a few of our six (six!) crookedly hung doors and chink the rest of the cracks. Store away 20-40 gallons of fresh water and enough no bake food to get through the inevitable power outs. Can some blackberry jam and a shit load of apple jelly, apple sauce and apple butter. Paint the awful walls a nice warm color so it isn't as gray and grim as last year.

I think this winter we will be in better shape than last winter, although I'm hearing predictions that this winter will much longer and colder. Last winter, we got into the house in the last week of September, way too friggen broke to prepare for it. This winter, we can at least winterize and prepare for being without electric.
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